Vaisala - Humidity, Vaisala Barometric, Vaisala Dew-Point , VaisalaCarbon Dioxide Sensors
Vaisala - Humidity, Vaisala Barometric, Vaisala Dew-Point , VaisalaCarbon Dioxide Sensors
Vaisala - Humidity,
Vaisala Barometric,
Vaisala Dew-Point ,
VaisalaCarbon Dioxide Sensors
Vaisala HMI41 Humidity Indicator
Item Detail
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity Indicator HMI41 fitted with the Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP46 can be used for spot checking humidity and temperature in ducts or chambers. Typical applications are plant maintenance, installation and inspection of air conditioning systems, production and storage areas and production processes. In addition, it is suitable for field checking Vaisala's humidity transmitters.
Affordable meter for ambient dewpoint measurements. Five probe options, including a thin 4 mm probe.
Withstands high temperatures
The HMP46 operates in full humidity range of 0 ... 100 %RH. The temperature range is from -40 to +100 °C. For short periods of time, the probe can withstand temperatures up to +180 °C. The HMP46 probe is solid and rugged. Its stainless steel probe is made to withstand rough handling in mechanically demanding applications. The probe’s long shaft can also reach otherwise unreachable places.